Friday, December 20, 2019

The Problem Of Nursing Shortage - 1444 Words

Financial Solution With the problem of nursing shortage in the health care setting, this can have a long term effect on the organization budget as a result of reduction in the quality of care and overall outcome of the patient’s health. The number of nursing staff it takes for the facility to run effectively, should become a priority for the organization. As the acuity level of the patient’s entering the hospital continues to rise, the number and skills of nursing staff should increase to meet the patient level of care. Having lower numbers in nursing staff, can result in higher incidences of hospital acquired pneumonia, urinary tract infection, decubitus and falls with injuries. After conducting an interview with two co-workers, there†¦show more content†¦As the acuity level of the patient’s entering the hospital continues to rise, there is inadequate nursing staff with the skills and time needed for the patient’s as they entered into the heal th care setting. The current nursing staff are overworked and burnt out with performing the necessary duties to care for the patient. The administrators within the hospital have to come up with a resolution for the current rate of nursing shortage, especially during the between the months of November and February. During this time, there are high incidences of the patients being admitted to the hospital with community acquired pneumonia and influenza. The number skilled and available nursing staff is less than the vision or expectation of the organization. As a result of the nursing staff shortage, this results in another identifiable problem within the organization such as higher incidence of falls incidences of falls on night shifts and hospital acquired decubitus. This will affect the budget of the organization because insurance companies will not pay for hospital acquired falls with the result of an injury and decubitus. According to Mr. J.G. nursing shortage has always been an issue since he has been employed at Lexington Medical Center. â€Å"We have to utilize agency nurses to fill in the needs on the unit. There are incentives

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